15/10/07 we drew up the design of the step ladder then worked through work sheets on quoting msds and abestoses, then researched pine and answered questions on that.
16/10/07 I carried on with the msds excersise and made a start on the step ladder which i quickely realised may be a bit harder and take a bit longer than i quoted.
17/10/07 today was devoted to finishing the step ladder and making it look nice, i realised today that i did under quote the labour time.
18/10/07 We were in the class room until lunch working through plan reading excersises which showed me a bit more that i already knew, we then did some scale sheets. after lunch we went out side and did some leveling using a spirit level line level dumpi and a water level which was good because i had never used one of thoes before.
19/10/07 Today we did some plan reading and levels excersises which were good to learn more about using the lazer level and then transfering our results to paper in a scaled drawing.
22/10/07 It was all about setting out today and learning the best way to do so, as a class we went through excatly how to set out for a house. i thought it was a very good excersise and usefull to many areas of the trade.
23/10/07 I did a practical assesment today about all the setting out things we learnt yesterday it took a little while but passed with no dramas.
24/10/07 Today i did a couple of sub floor framing work sheets and then did three scale 1:1 drawings of three different sub floors, i again found it very useful and learnt a couple of extra things that i didnt know.
25/10/07 Today i quoted on building a subfloor and did the take off then rung culitys and recieved some prices. i then worked out how much the materials would cost and estimated how long it would take and figured out a price, making sure i wasnt going to under cut my self this time. I really enjoyed this because i think it will be relitave to when im working for my self.
26/10/07 Today i put my plan of the sub floor into action and managed to complete it sucessfully and with heaps of time to spare. If this was real world i would of made good money today and gained more clients through my methods i was taught.