Tuesday, August 7, 2007

today hans took us for most of the day and took us through more team work listening clarifying instrutions and problem solving. we then did some role play and posted it on our bloggs.
bill showed us some more maths and heavy lifting procedures and posted them on our bloggs.

you have now lifted correctly

this is the correct way to lift
bending the legs and keeping the back straight

this is the incorrect way to lift heavy objects

this may cause back or further injury

haevy object 15kg must lift properely

7.45 am
jim fennel called off site all day
get hold of richo from contracting dept handeling the megaplex contract
tell him theirs a real problem with project phase date part B
get him to him ASAP and to call Jim on 0400890789
today we did maths with bill and did basic addition and subtractions divions and multi. then hans came in and did team building with us got us into groups of 4 and started a bussness then sent an email to bill explaining our bussness. then did saftey with tony basicly learnt about saftey in the work place. then learning styles to find out how we learn best weather its visual, audio, or kinesthetic.which i was a third visual and twothirds kinesthetic.
August 7, 2007 1:10 AM
Westcoast Roofing
100% Quality Guarented

Name Andrew Flux
Job Title Apprentice

Responsibiltys are learning the trade and being reliable.

Located in the city and metro areas.
Advertise by Paper, contacting building companys, sinage, word of mouth friends and family.

New staff should posess,
Very Important Important Less Important

Qualityworkmanship Transport Age
Reliable Own tools Where they live
Teamwork Good health
Send and recieve clear messages.
Sending clear messages
GOOD loud clear voice
Mumbled soft unclear
BadTone aggressive short sharp
Listening includes responding
Feedback to instructions/comments
Barriers to Communication
Bad background noise/rushed for time and miss important points
Plan what to say and think before you speak
If you dont understand ask questions and make sure you understand.